intr0ducti0n :
The principal function of the urinary system is to maintain the volume and composition of body fluids within normal limits. One aspect of this function is to rid the body of waste products that accumulate as a result of cellular metabolism. Other aspects of its function include regulating the concentrations of various electrolytes in the body fluids and maintaining normal pH of the blood.
The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. The kidneys form the urine and account for the other functions attributed to the urinary system. The ureters carry the urine away from kidneys to the urinary bladder, which is a temporary reservoir for the urine. The urethra is a tubular structure that carries the urine from the urinary bladder to the outside.
--> cukup la nie byk2 pn bkn 0rg2 yg bca bnda nie yg blaja nie pn duk ter ha, ha...nie plak k0rg...huhuhuhu...
aq xtau npe tiap kali class sir Rau nie...jantung aq nie laju lain mcm ckit...sbb dlm 0tak aq nie da dpt bayang apa yg akn jd...mesti kena s0al punye ngan die...haissshhhhh...kl0 s0klan senang xpe...nie...aduuiiii....kl0 dpt jwb, igt dpt lepas...?? hahaha...kem salam...lg byk die s0al...da jd cm sesi j0al jwb antara kau ngan bebdk lain da xwujud...kl0 la aq nie bdk 4 flat...ley la duk senyum2 ngadap die...nie bdk 4 flat class aq pn duk kecut tg0k die na masuk class...hikhikhikhik...
errkkk..biar aq terus terang kat cni nape aq xsuka study/ bekerja in medical line nie..sbb...k0rg tg0k ea apa yg aq terpaksa lalui n ngadap dlm class ptg td...
haaaaa....cmne...??? siyes bila study ada gambar2 cmnie terus xde m0od, na mnghafal apatah lg..haaarrrrrreeeemmmmm na igt....mmg xminat langsung...na2 lg bila tg0k bebdk laki da senyum2 kambing pndg bdk pempuan...lg la aq rs cm na letak muka nie dlm p0ket suar....cisss...dasar buaya darat...!! gatal beben0r k0rg yerr...skali aq tapak2 kn muka tu bru k0rg tau...eiiiii...marah plak aq...!!
tp na wat cmne...nie la hakikat yg perlu aq terima...sbb nnti aq akn b'keja in medical line....haishhh...bergenang air mata nie bila tg0k buku latihan letrik n letr0nik aq msa sk0la dlu...sedey...sumpah jelez bila tg0k bebdk engineering nie praktikal kt h0spital tmpat aq apakan daya...hanya mampu melihat.... :(
aduii...npe la mesti aq yg kena ngadap sume nie...xtau msa sem 1 dulu aq sampai tutup mata duk dlm class bila lec tayang gambar manusia2 yg xpakai baju...subject anat0my...hahahaha...sbb tu aq kant0i subject nie msa sem 1 dlu...ngeee~
da la tu...sepatah haram pn aq xphm apa yg lec tu ngajar kt depan...die duk p0tpetp0tpet kt depan aq duk tersengguk2 kt belakang...hikhikhikhik...(apala kau ramz...buruk ben0r perangainyer...) bdk laki yer la...kl0 bab2 cmnie terang jer matanyerrr....suka sgt d0rg...tersengih2..gatal...!!! huhh..
p/s: kepada mereka2 yg xminat medical baik jgn gedik2 masuk bidang nie...sumpah k0rg akan aq....huhuhuhuhu
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